George Harrison Stephens 1611
- Born: 1828 1611
- Marriage (1): Clarissa A. Truitt
- Died: 14 Jun 1864, Natchitoches, Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA at age 36 1611
Cause of his death was Typhoid Fever.1617
General Notes:
Civil War Letters
G. H. Stephens Dying Request . Natchitoches, La. June 12, 1864.
To My Dear Clarcy Ann Stephens: My Dear Wife:
I this morning through the hand of a friend attempt to write you a few lines perhaps for the last time. I am in the hospital and am very low with Typhoid Fever, been sick ever since the 25th of April, was sick at Sernchyville until about a week ago and was moved here, I was as I thought better at that time, but have relapsed and am very low but I am still in hopes that I may recover, but if I should not I want you not to take xxx my death hard. but submit to the will of God, who xxxxxxxxx doeth all things well. My prayer is that you may raise all our children honest and to live in the fear of allmighty God. My dear wife I feel that this will be the last words, that you may have from me. Some of x my prayers is that you may meet me in heaven for I feel that my way is xxx clear and that my faith is well founded in the lamb of God that taketh way the sins of the world.
My dear wife, it would afford me great pleasure to see you and the child- ren this morning to bid you all farewell and to collectively and indivduall ly ask the blessings upon you if it is the will of God, but thank God that I am able to say and feel they will be done not mine. I feel that my time is short a word Son James A. remember your father and his dying request is that you may love and abey your mother and so live as to meet me in heaven My dear boy you are now 12 years old and left with out a father to advise youx through this world. But you must live soberly, honestly and take the bestcare of your brothers and sister that you can. Remember that a great deal depends on you for your own happness. and there's to James A. Farewell To John my dear boy, my advice to you is the same as to James. Be a good boy honor and obey thy mother and obey her and so live as to meet me in heanve. Preston dear son, I must take you one at a time but to you will say you must reamin as xxxxx ever a good boy so live as to make your self and those around you cheerful and happly, May God Bless you to help your brothers and sister through life. To My dear Sammy take the advice given to the other brothers and love your brothers and sister and live for God and heaven. Synthia my dear daughter I have but few words to say to you, but you are very dear to me I wish that I could impress upon you the importance of looking to your mother and go to her for advice and com- fort do the best you can love your brothers and sister if one you may have May God Bless you.
To Joshua H. My dear child you are too young to remember what I say but God bless you and protect you through life and save you in heaven.
Your dying husband and Father . G.H. Stephens .
Citation: Stephens, G. H. Letter to Clarcy Ann Stephens. 12 June 1864. Privately held by Herstoryan. Houston, Texas. 2009. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A second letter accompanies the letter above and is as follows:
June 15,1864. To Mrs C.R.Stephens:
It has been my lot to be with your husband for the last few days. He came very low with Typhoid Fever, I could see but little change in him until about dark last night, he called me to him and told me that he was dying,and wanted me to finish this letter or note to you, he said that he had said all that he could say. He took your type and looked at it and kissed you and Synthia calling you both by name asking God to bless you. He gave way for a few moments to his feelings and said aloud: Oh Clarisy, Clarisy, those were the last words he spoke audible, He died about 9:30 oclock the night of June 14th. He told me that he was of the Methodist belief but there is neither Methodist or Baptist in this town, and He was so anxious to be baptised that he sent for a catholic Priest and re- ceived baptism at his hands. He read the 3rd chapter of St. John and felt that there was hope in that for him, the 16th verse was his favorite, His great desire was that you meet him in heaven and to bear up under your loss the best you could. He died very easy, was not more than 1½ hours dying. Sensible as long as he could speak. Mrs Stephens I am apprised of the fact that your loss is heavy, but bear them the best you can. He had $27.00 in money his clothes was not much account, as he had left all of his clothes perhaps with the train. I cant say more at present.
Remaining Yours and C W.L. Langley
N.B. I live in Panola County, Texas, 10 miles north of Carthage, belong to the 14th Texas % (9) Walker Division.
Citation: Langley, W. L. Letter to Mrs. C. R. Stephens. 15 June 1864. Privately held by Herstoryan. Houston, Texas. 2009. 1617
Life Events:
1. Church Affiliation: Methodist. 1617
George married Clarissa A. Truitt, daughter of James Alford Truitt and Sarah Hall. (Clarissa A. Truitt was born on 14 Apr 1834 in Macon, Warren, North Carolina, USA,1506,1614 died on 8 Jan 1889 in Shelby County, Texas, USA 1611,1614 and was buried in Truitt Cemetery (Joaquin, Shelby, Texas, USA) 1614.)